Round Table Sessions

12.24pm – 12.54pm AEST, 4 September 2024 ‐ 30 mins

Round Table

Topic 1: Think Outside the Box in Franchisee Recruitment
Topic 2: Innovating with AI: Trends and Future Directions
Topic 3: Streamlining Workforce Management: Compliance and HR Insights
Topic 4: Financial Reporting and Benchmarking:  The Franchise Growth Blueprint
Topic 5: Key Considerations for Evaluating Multi-Unit Franchisees
Topic 6: Securing Franchisee Buy-In for Transformative Change
Topic 7: Guardians of Data: Insights from Leading Privacy and Governance Experts
Topic 8: How to unleash the power of your team to ensure your vision is implemented into the business and strategy effectively.
Facilitator 1: David Lindsay - hattch
Facilitator 2: Kate Lawson - Verimus
Facilitator 3: Joe Murphy - Cowell Clarke
Facilitator 4: Paul Tee / Luke Hart - Integrated Workforce Solutions
Facilitator 5: Michael Ermer
Facilitator 6: Greg Nathan - Franchise Relationships
Facilitator 7: George Newman - Civic Data
Facilitator 8: Tim Horbury / Claire Wilson - The Alternative Board