A peer support network for CEOs, MDs and GMs of Australian franchise companies

In 2015, the FCA launched a peer support network for CEOs, MDs and GMs of Australian franchise companies.

This is the only CEO organisation in Australia which specialises in the world of franchising. It is run under the auspices of the peak body which represents more than 500 of the major franchisors and their franchisees in this country.


The FCA Chief Executive Syndicate provides an opportunity for CEOs and MDs of franchising companies to meet regularly in a confidential environment to discuss issues relevant to their businesses. They learn from visiting speakers and from each other. Each syndicate group is chaired by a person with the following:

✔ Industry credibility and deep understanding of the franchising sector

✔ Contemporary knowledge and global engagement with sector trends, innovation, and technology

✔ Highly developed capacity to facilitate and chair group discussions, including the ability to actively listen and respond to feedback

✔ Commitment to improving the standing of franchising in Australia, and a strong grasp of the issues, challenges and opportunities presented

✔ Highly developed network of contacts in the sector, including the ability to identify and secure guest presenters who are nationally and globally recognised in areas of expertise that are relevant to CES members



Peer To Peer Exclusivity

Membership of each syndicate is restricted to 20 CEOs or MDs of franchise companies. Each company must be a current financial member of the FCA, and syndicate members must be the principal decision maker in their company.

No Conflicts

Each syndicate may only include one franchisor from each business category: no competitors can be in the same group. New applicants will be carefully vetted to avoid conflicts of interest.

Convenient And Regular Contact

Meetings are held for a half day, once per month. Each member may also have four one-on-one meetings each year with the Chair to identify any key issues the member may wish to discuss with his or her group.

Expert Speakers

Speakers are selected to inform and educate members, not promote their goods or services. The aim is to present approximately four high quality speakers each year. Should the opportunity arise, extra speakers will be scheduled as and when appropriate.

Staying Close To The Source

Members are updated in confidential briefings from time to time about the activities of the FCA Board, especially regarding ongoing discussions and negotiations with government, and with other professional bodies.

Personal And Business Development

Gain both the business benefit of shared information exchanges and the personal development from networking with like-minded people at an executive level.

Earn CFE Points

Members can earn points towards accreditation under the internationally recognised Certified Franchise Executive (CFE) program.






The FCA members are invited to contact the applicable CES chair for more information or to express their interest in joining Chief Executive Syndicates in Victoria, New South Wales or Queensland. CES group membership fees apply.

To join, please contact [email protected]