Amidst the vibrant atmosphere of this year's National Franchise Convention, a group of accomplished professionals emerged as shining stars, marking a significant milestone in their careers. These individuals, having completed the exacting Certified Franchise Executive (CFE) Program, now stand proudly as certified leaders within the global franchise sector.
Rajiv Rajan, Stephanie Dirou, Jacqui Timmins, Chris Farrell, Patrick Mulcahy, Carla Van Mal, Nicholas Woodward, Chris Archer, and Brad Thomas were presented with their certificates at the Origin Excellence in Franchsing Awards Gala Night. Their journey through the CFE Program epitomizes dedication, expertise, and a relentless pursuit of professional growth.
The CFE Program, recognized worldwide for its comprehensive curriculum and stringent standards, serves as the gold standard of achievement in the franchise industry. It represents not just a milestone, but a commitment to ongoing learning, ethical leadership, and best practices.
If you are interested in the CFE program, please email [email protected]