27 Mar 2024

Small business

The Australian Retailers Association (ARA) has provided an update on the predicted consumer behaviours of Australians during Easter. Spending habits will be mainly across: do it yourself projects (DIY), travel and confectionary.

This Easter Australia will be investing in DIY projects such as home improvements, specifically people within the 18-34 age bracket. ARA are anticipating Australia’s people will spend $6.3billion on home DIY projects. Averaging a spend of $852 per person.

Travel spending is anticipated to be within the state that people reside in (53%), 34% will travel interstate and only 13% will travel overseas. ARA CEO Paul Zahra advises that travel during easter will be easier for those who aren’t impacted by the increase in cost of living.

17.3 million Australians plan on purchasing easter confectionary items. Victoria and NSW will be taking the lead on easter treat consumption.